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Manage HVAC Units

Libertas Things enables users to manage their Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units in a uniform way.

The HVAC unit has to be set up (by adding at least one HVAC unit) before the user can add a Libertas Thermostat to the system.


Add a New HVAC Unit

You can add a new HVAC Unit by clicking the “Add” button on the upper right or lower right corner.


Unit Types

The following heating and cooling units are supported.

  • Conventional Cooling
  • Conventional Gas/Oil Heating
  • Heat Pump (Air to Air)
  • Heat Pump (Geothermal)
  • Electrical Heating


1 stage or 2 stages are supported. Please choose the correct stages of each unit.

Forced Air

Most likely the air conditioning unit uses forced air. The heating unit may or may not use forced air. For example, if the heating is a baseboard, it may not use forced air.

Heat Pump

Heat Pump shall be treated specially. The heat pump may have both cooling and heating capabilities. In that case, the cooling and heating are controlled by the O/B wire. Please make sure to check whether O/B is engaged in cool!

A heat pump may have an auxiliary unit. If it does please make sure it is specified correctly.

Note, by default the auxiliary heating is only switched on/off manually through the smartphone. Please consult your heat pump manual to make sure it is safe to manually operate auxiliary heating in extreme cold weather in your area.


Libertas Thermostat supports whole-house humidifiers. There are two types of humidifiers.

  • Evaporative
  • Steam

Humidifier Power Wiring

A humidifier may have independent power wire, or it may share power wire with the heating unit. Please check your device wiring and make correct choices.

Controlling Thermostat

Refer to “Controlling Thermostat” for more details.

Edit or Delete Existing Unit

You can also edit or delete existing HVAC units, by long-pressing the unit in the list.

Note modifying the existing HVAC unit may drastically change the behavior of related thermostats. If the changes involve wiring changes as well, it doe NOT make any sense to make the modification with thermostats connected. It is safer to first remove the thermostats from the system, make the changes, then add the thermostats back again!