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Getting Started

Install Smartphone App

Android and IOS devices are supported. Please install the App on your device first.

Getting Help Help Icon

There will be a help icon on the upper right corner or every screen.

Help options may also appear on some dialogs.

Clicking “help” will bring out a help screen with online help. Libertas Things offers context sensitive and always up-to-date online help, which always stays accurate and relevant.


Location and Wifi Information

GPS location is needed while adding a new hub. The longitude/latitude can be used for various automated control algorithms. For example, the subset/sunrise time of you home at any given date. Or the weather forest of your home.

Neither the hub or the smartphone app shares any data with any third party.

We do provide API to for Libertas Thing-Apps to access hub location. That is why it is important to restrict Libertas Thing-Apps from connecting to any host beyond the local network.

The smart-phone App will use Wifi information to determine if the user is physically around the home (using the wifi ID). For example, the smartphone app may directly connect to hub from local wifi even if it is setup to use our bridge.