Add New Device
Launch Hub Configuration screen. In the main menu, choose “Devices”.
Then click the “+” button, located both on the upper right or the lower right corner.
Add or Recover?
If the device is a brand new device or the device has successfully removed from the network, then choose “Add New Device”.
Choose “Recover” if and only if the device is not properly removed from the network.
For example, if the device is powered off when it was removed from a network. The device still retains information about the old network, including all encryption keys. The device may believe it is still in the old network and thus refuse to join another network.
Recovery should work with a new device as well. However, recovering requires users to press the “reset” button instead of the normal “join” button, which is less accessible, especially for the in-wall devices (faceplate has to be removed)!
Libertas Things Device Types
User is required to choose a device type to add.
Our App will prompt instructions specific to the chosen device type on the smartphone screen.
Follow the links below to learn how to join different types of device.